Globalization helps unfree nations become free but free nations move the other way
Eugen G Tarnow September 21 2016 09:05:52 AM
By Eugen Tarnow, Ph.D.Avalon Business Systems, Inc.
Here are two charts I find interesting in the midst of the discussion of globalization. I used the Index of Economic Freedom (Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal) to see what globalization does to free nations. The left chart shows that GDP per capita tends to correlate strongly with freedom. BUT the right chart shows that during the last three years, freedom did not correlate with the GDP ratio. So at least in one measure globalization is not favoring free countries.
The average freedom score, weighted by population, has increased by 0.7 points in the same time period, a positive sign. However, freedom is moving from free to unfree countries: the difference in freedom correlates negatively with the freedom score.
Something to discuss at this week's meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, no?
And here is how we in the United States have lost our freedom since 2009:
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